SUNDAY, JULY 6, 2008
16:00 |
19:00 |
MONDAY, JULY 7, 2008
Chair: Tsyganov S.
9:40 |
Structure of nonpremixed turbulent flames
M. R. H. Sheikhi, T. G. Drozda, C. K. Madnia, and P. Givi |
10:25 |
Hazard estimations of hydrogen and synthetic-gas mixtures
A. A.Vasil’ev |
Hall A |
Hall B |
Mixing and Forced Ignition |
Gaseous Flames
and Flammability Limits |
Chair: H. Pasman |
Chair: F. Tamanini |
11:40 |
Fourty years
of investigation
of diffusion ignition
P. Wolański |
11:40 |
Efficient methods
for controlling combustion and explosion of gases
V. Azatyan, I. Bolodyan, Yu. Shebeko,
and V. Navtsenya |
12:00 |
Experimental investigation into coal dust lifting process behind shock wave
for different dust layer thicknesses
P. Zydak and R. Klemens |
12:00 |
Experimental and computed burning velocities
of propane–air mixtures
D. Razus, D. Oancea, V. Brinzea, M. Mitu, and C. Movileanu |
12:20 |
Influence of spark discharge duration on the minimum ignition energy of premixed propane/air
R. K. Eckhoff, W. Olsen,
and O. Kleppa |
12:20 |
Characterization of upper flammability limits
of propane/air mixtures at elevated pressures
H.-Y. Tsai, H.-R. Pan,
Y.-P. Huang, and J.-R. Chen |
12:40 |
Criteria for the formation of sparks in wear points
T. Ott, F. Welzel, M. Beyer, C.-P. Klages, S. Bitterlich, and W. Gerlinger |
12:40 |
Measures and technical solutions on maintenance
of explosion safety
and explosion stability
of industrial and civil objects with explosion of gas–vapor–dust–air mixtures
A. V. Mishuev |
Hall A |
Hall B |
Self-Ignition |
Flame Acceleration
and Turbulent Combustion |
Chair: R. Eckhoff |
Chair: M. Pegg |
14:00 |
Self-ignition in gaseous mixtures, still a great challenge to understand
H. J. Pasman, A. A. Pekalski, and I.A. Kirillov |
14:00 |
Combined effects of initial pressure and turbulence level on explosions of hydrogen–methane/air mixtures
E. Salzano, F. Cammarota, A. Di Benedetto, V. Di Sarli, and G. Russo |
14:20 |
First principles based elaboration of the low temperature skeletal mechanism of n-butane oxidation
M. I. Strelkova, A. A. Safonov, L. P. Sukhanov,
S. Ya. Umanskiy, I. A. Kirillov, B. V. Potapkin, H. J. Pasman, A. J. Dean, and A.M. Tentner |
14:20 |
Slowdown of flame acceleration because
of gas compression
D. Valiev, V. Bychkov, V. Akkerman,
and L.-E. Eriksson |
14:40 |
Autoignition temperatures
of binary mixtures at elevated pressures
E. Brandes, W. Hirsch,
and W. Möller |
14:40 |
Structure and flame propagation regimes in turbulent hydrogen jets
A. Veser, G. Stern, M. Schwall, N. Kotchourko, M. Rottenecker, G. Fast, M. Kuznetsov, and W. Breitung |
15:00 |
Autoignitions of methane/air mixtures at elevated temperatures and pressures
O. G. Penyazkov,
K. L. Sevrouk, V. Tangirala, and N. Joshi |
15:00 |
Improved correlations
for turbulent burning velocity and flame thickness
in the CFD code DESC
T. Skjold, A. E. Dahoe, J. Melheim, B. J. Arntzen, and R. K. Eckhoff |
15:20 |
Autoignition of hydrogen–air–Ar mixtures at elevated pressures
O. G. Penyazkov
and K. L. Sevrouk |
15:20 |
Simulation of chemical processes in turbulent flow reactors by Monte Carlo method
V. S. Ivanov, V. A. Smetanyuk, and S. M. Frolov |
Hall A |
Hall B |
Heterogeneous Combustion |
Gas and Vapor Cloud Explosions |
Chair: S. Zhdan |
Chair: I. Sochet |
16:00 |
Statistical method for the determination of the ignition energy of dust cloud: Experimental validation
K. Lebecki, S. Bernard, Ph. Gillard, L. Youinou, and G. Baudry |
16:00 |
Fundamental phenomena observed in large-scale deflagrations of flat clouds — illustrated by high-speed videos
H. Schneider |
16:20 |
Influence of viscosity
of a liquid phase to explosion safety of chemically active bubble medium
A. V. Pinaev
and I. I. Kochetkov |
16:20 |
Experimental and numerical study of hydrogen–air deflagrations in a vented enclosure
C. R. Bauwens, J. Chaffee, and S. Dorofeev |
16:40 |
Heterogeneous combustion of polydispersed carbon dust
V. F. Nikitin, A. S. Parkhomenko, N. N. Smirnov,
and V. N. Yanushkevich |
16:40 |
Modeling of gas explosions in complex geometries using the Simple Interface Flame model, SIF
B. J. Arntzen |
17:00 |
Droplet – gas momentum exchange in sprays
S. M. Frolov, V. S. Ivanov, V. A. Smetanyuk, B. Basara, P. Priesching, and R. Tatschl |
17:00 |
Experimental study
of unsteady hydrogen jets into air hazardous amounts
of small hydrogen releases
J. Grune, K. Sempert, M. Kuznetsov, and W. Breitung |
TUESDAY, July 8, 2008
Chair: P. Wolanski
9:00 |
Subcritical to supercritical mixing
C. Segal and S. A. Polikhov |
9:45 |
Modeling and simulations of flame mitigation by fine water spray
A. Yu. Snegirev and A. L. Lipjainen |
Hall A |
Hall B |
Prevention and Mitigation |
Gas and Vapor Cloud Explosions |
Chair: P. Amyotte |
Chair: P. Fomin |
11:00 |
The limiting concentrations of gaseous suppressants
in relation to a jet flame
at their simultaneous supply into a fuel and air
V. V. Azatyan, Yu. N. Shebeko, A. Yu. Shebeko,
and V. Yu. Navzenya |
11:00 |
Investigation of flame quenching by thermal losses at the entrance of a discharge duct connected to a vessel
B. Veyssiere, N. Henneton, B. Ponizy, and Ch. Proust |
11:20 |
An experimental and numerical investigation of the phlegmatization of methane–air mixtures by organophosphorus compounds
O. P. Korobeinichev,
A. G. Shmakov, D. A. Knyazkov, and S. A. Yakimov |
11:20 |
Explosion safety aspects
of shock wave induced condensation in fuel-rich gaseous mixtures
P. A. Fomin and J.-R. Chen |
11:40 |
Role of chain reactions
in inhibition of spontaneous decomposition of acetylene
S. V. Golovastov, D. I. Baklanov, V. V. Golub, I. N. Laskin, and V. V. Volodin |
11:40 |
Blast wave characteristics and equivalency
I. Sochet and H. Schneider |
12:00 |
Reduction effects of water spray to the thermal hazard of hydrogen jet flame
T. Imamura, Sh. Hamada, T. Mogi, Yu. Wada, S. Horiguchi, A. Miyake,
and T. Ogawa |
12:00 |
Formation of superhigh pressure at propagation of explosive waves in conic cavities
V. A. Galburt, M. F. Ivanov, and V. A. Petukhov |
12:20 |
The dispersion characteristics of micromist in enclosures — a proof of concept numerical study on using micromist
as a soft barrier for explosion control
V. H. Y. Tam, B. P. Xu,
and J. X. Wen |
12:20 |
Decomposing deflagration propagation of acetylene under low temperatures
T. Mizutani and A. Miyake |
12:40 |
Extinguishing of fires
using the aerosol generator
with adjustable dispersity
and aqueous solutions of salts as flame suppressants
O. P. Korobeinichev,
A. G. Shmakov, A. A. Chernov, V. M. Shvartsberg, K. P. Koutsenogii,
and V. I. Makarov |
12:40 |
Study on consequence analyses of blast wave generated by gaseous deflagrations
R. Dobashi, S. Kawamura, K. Kuwana,
and Y. Nakayama |
Hall A |
Hall B |
Prevention and Mitigation |
Dust Explosions |
Chair: B. Wiesler |
Chair: R. Dobashi |
14:00 |
Shock-wave effect on the fire
I. S. Anufriev, A. N. Golovanov, A. F. Tsimbaluk,
and O. V. Sharypov |
14:00 |
Assessment of explosion risk of magnesium dust
M. Nifuku, H. Ohya,
and Sh. Koyanaka |
14:20 |
An evaluation of a fire
and explosion hazard of oil product storage located
near a city
Yu. N. Shebeko, I. A. Bolodian, D. M. Gordienko,
V. L. Malkin,
and D. S. Kirillov |
14:20 |
Modified model of aluminum particle ignition
K. A. Avdeev, F. S. Frolov,
A. A. Borisov,
and S. M. Frolov |
14:40 |
Experimental simulation
of an atmospheric deflagration for the testing
of end-of-line flame arresters
S. Mecke, D. Markus,
and H. Forster |
14:40 |
Influence of particle size
and ethylene admixture
on polyethylene dust explosions
P. Amyotte, N. Marchand,
A. Di Benedetto,
and P. Russo |
15:00 |
The effectiveness of dust explosion suppression by water sprays
M. Gieras |
15:00 |
Simplified modeling of metal dust explosions
B. J. Arntzen, T. Skjold,
and H. T. Johannesen |
15:20 |
Explosion protection
by suppression on a bucket elevator in a brewery.
A case study
A. Wolff and B. Wolff |
15:20 |
Origins of correlations
for vented dust explosion
and elements for their application
J. Taveau |
15:40 |
Physical aspects of polymer burning and FR mechanism action
N. Khaltturinskij
and T. Rudakova |
15:40 |
Influence of melting
on magnesium particle ignition
K. A. Avdeev, F. S. Frolov,
A. A. Borisov,
and S. M. Frolov |
Hall A |
Hall B |
Risk Assessment and Case Studies |
Hybrid Explosions |
Chair: Yu. Shebeko |
Chair: K. Lebecki |
16:20 |
Numerical investigation of terrain effects on blast wave from hemispherical surface burst
H. Miura, T. Nirasawa,
and A. Matsuo |
16:20 |
Regimes of combustion
and detonation of gaseous and heterogeneous systems in inert porous media
A. V. Pinaev
and A. A. Vasil’ev |
16:40 |
Emergency explosions
in the systems of distribution and consumption of natural gas
V. F. Martynuk |
16:40 |
Shock-induced explosion of oxygen containing bubble in a flammable liquid: Safety aspects of fuel condensation and evaporation
P. A. Fomin, J.-R. Chen, and H. Hieronymus |
17:00 |
Risk assessment for liquid hydrogen fueling stations
Sh. Kikukawa, H. Mitsuhashi, and A. Miyake |
17:00 |
Experimental studies of hydrogen/oxygen bubble explosions
Z.-Sh. Huang, Ch.-D. Liu,
P. A. Fomin, and J.-R. Chen |
Chair: F. Zhang
9:00 |
Detonability of ammonium nitrate
M. Lefebvre |
9:45 |
Diffusion self-ignition of sudden discharge of hydrogen
V. V. Golub |
10:50–11:40 POSTER SESSION
p-1 |
Evolution of turbulent spherical flames in premixed gases: Generalized Kolmogorov–Obukhov laws
Yu. A. Gostintsev, Yu. V. Shatskikh, and V. E. Fortov |
p-2 |
Low velocity detonation of nitromethane affected by precursor shock waves
H. Hamashima and Y. Kato |
p-3 |
Modeling of pulse two-phase spray upon fire fighting
I. Ivanov, I. Znamenskaya, I. Krukov, and N. Sisoev |
p-4 |
Development of virtual reality operator training system for hydrogen refueling station
E. Kim, J. Kim, Y. Lee, and Il Moon |
p-5 |
Experimental study on flame propagation characteristics
through the mixture of coal dust and methane
Y. Liu, J. Sun, and D. Chen |
p-6 |
Modeling of partially premixed combustion and simulation
of flash fire
J. Melheim, B. Arntzen, I. Storvik, and O. Hansen |
p-7 |
Nano-sized high energy materials: Properties and the use
in energetic condensed systems
D. Meerov, Yu. Frolov, A. Pivkina, K. Monogarov, D. Ivanov |
p-8 |
Rayleigh–Benard convection in gas with chemical reactions
I. B. Palymsky, P. A. Fomin, and H. Hieronymus |
p-9 |
Evaluation of detonation initiation in air suspensions of combustible droplets
A. Paplinski |
p-10 |
A qualitative model of flashing across an aperture with a pressure differential
G. Polanco, A. Holdo, and G. Munday |
p-11 |
Reactivity of small-scale boron-containing nano-size particles
V. G. Slutsky, S. A. Tsyganov, E. S. Severin, and L. A. Poleno |
p-12 |
Experimental studies of turbulent flame speeds in large diameter dust clouds
Snoeys J., Proust C., and Going J. |
p-13 |
About heterogeneous oxidation of methane in its mixtures
with oxygen at elevated pressures near the autoignition threshold
K. Ya. Troshin, V. S. Arutyunov, A. A. Borisov, G. G. Politenkova,
Yu. A. Kolbanovskii, and I. V. Bilera |
p-14 |
Decision support systems on hazards of industrial explosions
V. E. Volkov |
p-15 |
Oxidation of aluminum behind fronts of shock and detonation waves
I. M. Voskoboinikov |
Hall A |
Hall B |
Hydrogen Safety |
Dust and Hybrid Explosions |
Chair: M. Kuznetsov |
Chair: R. Klemens |
11:40 |
Experimental investigation of diffusion self-ignition
at a pulse release of hydrogen into a channel
V. V. Golub, D. I. Baklanov, S. V. Golovastov, K. V. Ivanov, and V. V. Volodin |
11:40 |
Explosion of rich metal–solid oxidizer mixture injected
in air by superheated kerosene steam.
P. V. Komissarov,
A. A. Borisov, G. N. Sokolov, and R. H. Ibraghimov |
12:00 |
The effect of pressure boundary rupture rate
on the spontaneous ignition of pressurized hydrogen release
B. P. Xu, J. X. Wen,
S. Dembele, and V. H. Y. Tam |
12:00 |
Investigation of the reaction kinetics in the ammonium nitrate/potential donor
of an active chlorine mixtures and explosion possibility
in these mixtures
V. V. Nedelko, A. I. Kazakov, A. V. Shastin, T. S. Larikova, T. V. Sorokina, B. L. Korsounskii, and Y. I Rubtsov |
12:20 |
Uniform hydrogen–air deflagrations in vented enclosures and tunnels: Predictive capabilities of engineering correlations and LES
V. Molkov, F. Verbecke,
and J. B. Saffers |
12:20 |
Afterburning of TNT detonation products in air
L. Donahue, M. J. Pegg, and F. Zhang |
12:40 |
LES of high-pressure hydrogen vertical jet fire
S. Brennan, D. Makarov,
and V. Molkov |
12:40 |
Effects of reactive nanocomposites in place of aluminum particles in performance of nonideal explosives
K. Kim, W. Wilson, C. Needham, and C. Watry |
Hall A |
Hall B |
Hydrogen Safety |
Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition |
Chair: V. Molkov |
Chair: A. Matsuo |
14:00 |
Numerical studies of DDT in hydrogen storage facilities: Flame acceleration
and detonation in channels with obstacles
T. Ogawa, V. N. Gamezo, and E. S. Oran |
14:00 |
Onset of detonation
due to shock wave interaction with the cool flame zone
S. Frolov and V. Basevich |
14:20 |
Ignition and flame propagation during discharge of high-pressure hydrogen gas
T. Mogi, H. Shiina, T. Imamura, and Y. Wada |
14:20 |
Transient numerical code with grid adaptation for gas combustion and detonation studies
N. Gascoin, S. M. Frolov, and Ph. Gillard |
14:40 |
Modeling of detonability limits in hydrogen–air mixtures with inhibiting additives
S. Frolov, S. Medvedev,
and V. Azatyan |
14:40 |
into semiconfined area
at DDT events in an initiating tube
P. Krivosheyev
and O. Penyazkov |
15:00 |
Towards the best-estimate model of hydrogen detonative combustion: Model description
and sensitivity
to its parameters
I. Zaev and I. Kirillov |
15:00 |
Numerical study of the influence of tube wall profile on shock-to-detonation transition
I. Semenov, P. Utkin,
and V. Markov |
15:20 |
Pyrotechnic source
of hydrogen based on burning aluminum–water mixtures
P. V. Komissarov,
R. H. Ibraghimov, and G. N. Sokolov |
15:20 |
A deflagration-to-detonation transition through hydraulic resistance
L. Kagan, M. Frankel, and G. Sivashinsky |
Special Session of the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC)
Chair: J.-I. Pradas-Poveda
16:10 |
On the influence of the activation of oxygen molecules in electrical discharge on the flame propagation in H2–air and CH4–air mixtures
A. M. Starik, V. E. Kozlov, and N. S. Titova |
16:30 |
Correlation between drop vaporization and autoignition phenomena
S. M. Frolov, V. Ya. Basevich, F. S. Frolov, A. A. Borisov,
V. A. Smetanyuk, B. Basara, P. Priesching, and R. Tatschl |
16:50 |
Detonability of liquid-fuel drop suspensions in air
S. Frolov and V. Posvyanskii |
17:10 |
Efficiency of underwater explosion produced by fast injection of preheated aluminum particles in water
R. H. Ibraghimov, P. V. Komissarov, A. A. Borisov,
and G. N. Sokolov |
Software Demonstration Session
17:30 |
KINTECH software tools for predictive modeling of combustion and detonation processes |
FRIDAY, JULY 11, 2008
Chair: B. Veyssiere
9:15 |
The DeBruce grain elevator explosion
C. W. Kauffman |
10:00 |
Static electrification of powder and dust explosion
M. Nifuku |
10:45 |
On the theory of heterogeneous detonation
of gas–particle mixtures
A. V. Fedorov |
Hall A |
Hall B |
and Condensed-Phase Detonations |
Gaseous Detonations |
Chair: L. Bauwens |
Chair: V. Markov |
12:00 |
Detonability of aluminum suspensions
A. Briand, B. Veyssiere,
and B. A. Khasainov |
12:00 |
Numerical simulation
on the multidimensional effects of spherical detonation by direct initiation
T. Nirasawa and A. Matsuo |
12:20 |
Reaction mechanism of aluminum particles – air detonation
F. Zhang,, K. B. Gerrard,
and R. Ripley |
12:20 |
Prediction of detonation cell size in hydrogen–nitrous oxide–argon mixtures using chemical kinetics correlations and 2D numerical simulation code
R. Mével, D. Davidenko, F. Lafosse, G. Dupré,
and C. E. Paillard |
12:40 |
Cellular detonation formation and propagation in polydisperse mixtures
A. V. Fedorov, T. A. Khmel, and Yu. V. Kratova |
12:40 |
Numerical simulation of viscous detonations
A. V. Trotsyuk
and M. S. Ivanov |
Hall A |
Hall B |
and Condensed-Phase Detonations |
Gaseous Detonations |
Chair: H. Schneider |
Chair: O. Penyazkov |
14:00 |
Dispersion of drops and theory of the aerosol detonation
S. K. Aslanov
and V. E. Volkov |
14:00 |
Flow reversal in spinning detonation
F. Virot, M. Kurosaka, B. Khasainov, D. Desbordes, and H. N. Presles |
14:20 |
Influence of physical properties of carbon
on the detonation behavior of ammonium nitrate and carbon mixtures
A. Miyake, H. Echigoya, K. Katoh, Sh. Kubota, Y. Wada, Y. Ogata,
and T. Ogawa |
14:20 |
Continuous spin detonation of a hydrogen–oxygen mixture in a flow-type combustor
F. A. Bykovskii, S. A. Zhdan, and E. F. Vedernikov |
14:40 |
Detonation characteristics of packed bed of metal particles saturated with nitromethane
Y. Kato and K. Murata |
14:40 |
Continuous spin detonation in the oxidizer ejection regime
F. A. Bykovskii, S. A. Zhdan, and E. F. Vedernikov |
15:00 |
Structure and critical parameters of a bubble detonation wave
A. A. Vasil’ev, A. V. Pinaev, and I. I. Kochetkov |
15:00 |
Studying of devices for mitigation of the detonation and strong shock waves propagating in cylindrical duct
N. Kh. Remeev, V. V. Vlasenko, and R. A. Khakimov |
15:20 |
Nonsteady combustion research of high-energy materials
V. A. Arkhipov, S. S. Bondarchuk, and A. G. Korotkikh |
15:20 |
Initiation, propagation, and stabilization of detonation in the supersonic gas flow
V. A. Levin, V. V. Markov, T. A. Zhuravskaya,
and S. F. Osinkin |
16:10 |
PANEL DISCUSSION: Fundamental limitations of standard means of industrial explosion prevention and mitigation: Novel approaches and technologies
Moderators: S. Frolov and P. Wolanski
Panel Members: P. Amyotte, R. Dobashi, V. Golub, W. Kauffman, K. Lebecki, M. Lefebvre, V. Molkov, M. Nifuku, H. Pasman, I. Sochet, F. Tamanini, A. Vasil’ev, B. Veyssiere
(each panelist will be provided with 3 min to present his/her conceptions and reasoning) |
17:10 |